Topic: Please submit a 'visual poem', in a style of your choosing, on the theme of overcoming a personal challenge.
1800wheelchair is very proud to announce the winner of our Fall '16/Winter '17 scholarship contest. With well over 380 entries, this one stood apart for its vivid drawing and its compelling poem.
I wrote this poem as a celebration of overcoming my obstacle of self-worth. Growing up, I was bigger than my peers and that provided them with ammunition to put me down. It became an issue quickly because no matter what my family or friends said, weight was my weakness.
Boys didn’t like me because I wasn’t skinny. There were so many other choices to pick from, so why choose me? That was a blow to my self-esteem. I stopped caring about boys and instead searched for friends. That ended badly as well because I soon realized that girls were using me as a “fat friend” to make themselves feel better and I obliged. I was too young to understand.
My school was a battlefield because no matter how many good people I surrounded myself with, there was always a bad apple hidden within who would say the cruelest words. I struggled with my self-worth and I never appreciated who I was because I was too busy focusing on what I wasn’t.
I wasted my tears and my time on their harsh words because I was sensitive. I couldn’t help it. I spent my money on fad diets to fit in, and I dressed in clothes that were trendy, just in a couple sizes bigger than the other girls. I did all of this in an attempt to fit in, but I still stood out. It took me until high school to realize that being big was okay. That is where I met quality people. In a school of diversity, it was normal to be different. I am so thankful I learned what I did because size didn’t matter because, at the end of the day, your weight was just a number on a scale. Personality is what was important. Humor and wit are what kept the mind attracted.
I had those traits and I celebrate them every day because I am beautiful no matter what others say. I realize that I won’t change a thing about myself for anyone or anything because, to me, my self-worth is priceless, and that’s all that matters.
I am surrounded by people
With a few among the many
That appreciate me
Because of my big personality
Not caring about my big body
Because all of it is me
The ones with fake intentions
They pass those whispers behind backs
Like a game of telephone
But where each whisper gets worse
Changed not from confusion
But from spite
And it hurts
Because all of it is against me
Like the whispers
I started to change
And it felt out of my hands
Because I forgot about the few
And became overwhelmed by the many
I played copy cat and I conformed
But that wasn’t right
Because all of it wasn’t me
When I realized that
I stopped changing myself for them
Because all of it is me
And I shouldn’t change me.